Come join the fun! Looking for kids and families to help us decorate the Electric Bus for the 4th of July Parade.....and then ride in it!! Meet us at the Bolinas School Art Shops this Wednesday morning between 9 a.m. - noon to help decorate the bus. Then, hop aboard on the 4th to celebrate our school during the parade. We welcome and encourage any current students, parents, staff, and alumni - the more the merrier! Direct any questions to RSVP would be appreciated, though not necessary. Hope you can join us! // ¡Únete a la diversión! Buscamos niños y familias que nos ayuden a decorar el Autobús Eléctrico para el Desfile del 4 de Julio... ¡¡y luego montar en él!! Encuéntranos en las tiendas de arte de la escuela Bolinas este miércoles por la mañana entre las 9 a. m. y el mediodía para ayudar a decorar el autobús. Luego, sube a bordo el día 4 para celebrar nuestra escuela durante el desfile. Damos la bienvenida y alentamos a todos los estudiantes, padres, personal y ex alumnos actuales: ¡cuantos más, mejor! Dirija cualquier pregunta a Se agradecería confirmar su asistencia, aunque no es necesario. Espero que pueda unirse a nosotros!
26 days ago, Ilie Watterson
BSUSD Graduation is tomorrow, Wednesday, at 11:15am on the Bolinas Campus. Everybody is welcome. School dismissal at 12:30pm . Happy summer! ~ La graduación de BSUSD es mañana miércoles a las 11:15 am en el campus de Bolinas. Todos son bienvenidos. Salida del colegio a las 12:30 h. ¡Feliz verano!
about 2 months ago, Ilie Watterson
Beach Day Tomorrow: Heart's Desire. The weather report is calling for warmer than usual day on the bay. Send hats, water bottles and apply sunscreen. It should be a beautiful day. // Mañana día de playa: el deseo del corazón. El informe meteorológico anuncia un día más cálido de lo habitual en la bahía. Envía gorras, botellas de agua y aplícate protector solar. Debería ser un hermoso día.
about 2 months ago, Ilie Watterson
Spirit week: Wednesday is pajama day, Thursday is dress like a teacher, Friday is twin day. / Semana del espíritu: el miércoles es el día del pijama, el jueves es vestirse como un maestro, el viernes es el día de los gemelos.
about 2 months ago, Ilie Watterson
spirit week
Track and Field Day today, 9-2pm. All grades start on the Bolinas campus including Preschool. / Día de atletismo hoy, de 9 a 2 p.m. Todos los grados inician en el campus de Bolinas incluido Preescolar.
3 months ago, Ilie Watterson
BSUSD: School resumes Tuesday, April 16. Track and Field Day this Wednesday, 9:00-2:00./BSUSD: La escuela se reanuda el martes 16 de abril. Día de atletismo este miércoles, de 9:00 a 2:00.
3 months ago, Ilie Watterson
BSUSD: One bus run for today, Tuesday, morning and afternoon. Apologies for any inconvience. / Un recorrido de autobús para hoy, lunes por la mañana y por la tarde.
5 months ago, Ilie Watterson
BSUSD: One bus run for today, Monday morning and afternoon. / Un recorrido de autobús para hoy, lunes por la mañana y por la tarde.
5 months ago, Ilie Watterson
12:30PM SALIDA DE LA ESCUELA HOY, Miércoles 31 de Enero
6 months ago, Ilie Watterson
Happy New Year! We look forward to greeting the students tomorrow morning. Today staff participated in a Strategic Planning meeting where we had the opportunity to envision improving our program to benefit student learning. Our work will be shared with the greater school community through a series of meetings held by our Interim Superintendent, Leo Kostelnik. Attendance remains the most important way students can have access to our educational program. Please send them to school each day that they are healthy. Covid is at an all time high in the county right now. If your child has any symptoms or exposure in the past 5 days please test before returning. Tests are available on the Bolinas office front porch bench. I hope to see you soon, Ilie Watterson
7 months ago, Ilie Watterson
staff development
Come to the library from 8:30-9am tomorrow to get assistance with joining Parent Square, our new school communication platform, before joining us for Cafecito at 9am. ~ Venga a la biblioteca mañana de 8:30 a 9 a. m. para recibir ayuda para unirse a Parent Square, nuestra nueva plataforma de comunicación escolar, antes de unirse a nosotros para Cafecito a las 9 am.
7 months ago, Ilie Watterson
Please take the survey from Scott Mahoney for our Superintendent search
7 months ago, Johanna Scutt
Dear Families,December arrives tomorrow.  The long, dark, cooler nights bring us inside our houses and give time for introspection and reflection.  We can look back over the past year and look forward to where we want to set our intentions in the coming year.  We have just passed the first trimester and report cards were mailed home this week.  This is a good time to reflect with your child about what has been going well and where they strive to do better moving forward.  From my desk, I look back and appreciate the striving within the whole school community.  The staff and students are working together and learning through all of the academic and social challenges that they are presented with each day.  It is these very challenges that bring growth and joy.  I appreciate my role as I have the opportunity to be in all of the classrooms and see the joy the children experience upon learning something new, conquering a task, or mastering a concept that they have been working on.  So many great things are happening! Attendance: And, all of this joy and learning occurs for students when they are present at school.  During the first trimester we had 12 students attend all 60 school days.  I encourage you to set a goal with your children to attend school whenever they are healthy enough to do so.  Please plan trips during school breaks so that they can accomplish this goal.   Communication: A goal of mine is ensuring that communication between home and school is timely and successfully sent and received.  To this end, we are implementing Parent Squareat BSUSD, a new form of home-to school communication.  It is readily used throughout the schools in Marin County including Tam High School.  It provides an avenue for teachers, staff, parents/guardians, and administrators to: Send and receive school and class informationShare pictures and filesSee calendar itemsSign up to volunteerand much more . . . all in one centralized place!Parents – Getting Started videoAll school/grade level and classroom information will now be sent to your computer or phone via email and/or text or you can download the free App.The Help & Support question mark in the top right corner can help answer most of your questions. Please open the email invitation that will follow this email to join Parent Square today and look forward to receiving more communication soon.  December Events: December 1 & 8th, 8:30-10am: Early Learning Program (Preschool-Kindergarten) Mission & Philosophy Revision.  All are welcome.  Please email me at for more information or to join our working group.   December 5, 3:30-4:45: Site Council meets in the library December 6, 5:30-7pm:  Middle School is hosting a Spaghetti Dinner & Karaoke Night on the Bolinas Campus, 5:30-7:00pm, as a field trip fundraiser.  Tickets are $10 per adult, $5 per student, and free under 5 years old.   December 12th, 5pm: Board Meeting, Library December 14th, 5:30-7pm: Winter Sing Along, 5:30-7:00pm, Soup making volunteers are requested.  Please contact Julia Chanin if you are willing to make a large pot of soup at  December 15th, 8:40: All School AssemblyDecember 20th, 9am, Cafecito December 21th-January 8th: Winter Break I look forward to seeing you soon,Ilie Watterson
8 months ago, Ilie Watterson
school photo
Field trip postponed due to poor air quality: All students will remain on campus today and activities will be held indoors when possible. We will still hold get to hold an Equinox all school activity with Don Jolley in the Quesada. Excursión pospuesta debido a la mala calidad del aire: Todos los estudiantes permanecerán en el campus hoy y las actividades se llevarán a cabo en el interior cuando sea posible. Aún tendremos la oportunidad de realizar una actividad escolar de Equinoccio con Don Jolley en Quesada.
10 months ago, Ilie Watterson
Good Afternoon~ We are actively monitoring the Air Quality Index (AQI) via Purple Air and AirNow. Currently, there is a fire in Novato. Attached is the current Air Quality Protocols for Schools.  Each of our classrooms has an operating air purification system.  When the AQI exceeds 150 activities will move indoors, whenever possible. This is currently in effect on the Bolinas campus since the AQI has put us into the red category. All classes have been moved indoors: "For all outdoor activities, take more breaks and do less intense activities. Consider moving longer or more intense activities indoors or rescheduling them to another day or time. Watch for symptoms and take action as needed.* Students with asthma should follow their asthma action plans and keep their quick-relief medicine handy."Stinson campus still remains in the orange category: "It’s OK to be active outside, especially for short activities such as recess and physical education (PE). For longer activities such as athletic practice, take more breaks and do less intense activities. Watch for symptoms and take action as needed.* Students with asthma should follow their asthma action plans and keep their quick-relief medicine handy."Please contact Ilie if you have further questions or concerns. Ilie Watterson Buenas tardes ~Estamos monitoreando activamente el Índice de Calidad del Aire (AQI) a través de Purple Air y AirNow. Actualmente hay un incendio en Novato. Se adjuntan los Protocolos actuales de calidad del aire para escuelas. Cada una de nuestras aulas cuenta con un sistema de purificación de aire operativo. Cuando el AQI supere los 150, las actividades se trasladarán al interior, siempre que sea posible.Esto se encuentra vigente actualmente en el campus Bolinas ya que el AQI nos puso en categoría roja. Todas las clases se han trasladado al interior: "Para todas las actividades al aire libre, tome más descansos y realice actividades menos intensas. Considere trasladar las actividades más largas o más intensas al interior o reprogramarlas para otro día u hora. Esté atento a los síntomas y tome las medidas necesarias.* Estudiantes Las personas con asma deben seguir sus planes de acción para el asma y tener a mano sus medicamentos de alivio rápido".El campus de Stinson todavía permanece en la categoría naranja: "Está bien estar activo al aire libre, especialmente para actividades cortas como el recreo y la educación física (PE). Para actividades más largas, como la práctica atlética, tome más descansos y haga actividades menos intensas. Esté atento a síntomas y tomar las medidas necesarias.* Los estudiantes con asma deben seguir sus planes de acción para el asma y tener a mano su medicamento de alivio rápido".Comuníquese con Ilie si tiene más preguntas o inquietudes.Ilie Watterson
10 months ago, Ilie Watterson
Bolinas bus is running 10 minutes late. There was a minor bus accident in which the Stinson bus hit the side stop sign of the Bolinas bus in the school bus bay. The buses were both deemed safe and are on their way to deliver children home now. El autobús de Bolinas llega con 10 minutos de retraso. Hubo un accidente de autobús menor en el que el autobús Stinson chocó contra la señal de alto lateral del autobús Bolinas en la bahía de autobuses escolares. Ambos autobuses se consideraron seguros y ahora están en camino para llevar a los niños a casa.
11 months ago, Ilie Watterson
Únete a nosotros: Nuestra primera asamblea de jardín de infantes a octavo grado es este viernes de 8:40 a 9:10 en el campus de Bolinas. El personal conocerá a los niños a través de una actividad divertida. Los niños de kindergarten serán presentados con una bienvenida especial desde el octavo grado. ¡De nada! Noche de regreso a clases: Campus Stinson, miércoles 30/8, 5:00-6:30 y Campus Bolinas, jueves 31/8, 5:00-6:30. Sólo padres.
11 months ago, Ilie Watterson
Join us: Our first Kindergarten through 8th grade assembly is this Friday, 8:40-9:10 on the Bolinas campus. Staff will be introduced to the children through a fun activity. Kindergartners will be introduced with a special welcome from the 8th grade. You are welcome! Back to School Night: Stinson Campus, Wednesday, 8/30, 5:00-6:30 and Bolinas Campus, Thursday, 8/31, 5:00-6:30. Parents only.
11 months ago, Ilie Watterson
Please use the following link to view bus schedules/Utilice el siguiente enlace para ver los horarios de los autobuses:
12 months ago, Ilie Watterson
Important Bus Update from BSUSD: Please use the link below to view the one bus schedule for the last day of school early dismissal at 12:30: Actualización importante del autobús de BSUSD: utilice el enlace a continuación para ver el horario de un autobús para el último día de clases con salida temprana a las 12:30:
about 1 year ago, Michelle Stephens